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2024-09-13 00:17 · 影视剧集 · 234百科 · 【 字体:


What is the English name of "The Pursuit of Happyness"?

"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a captivating film that tells the inspiring true story of Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith, as he overcomes numerous obstacles to achieve happiness and success. This article discusses the English name of the film and its significance.

1. Understanding the English Title:

The film is given the title "The Pursuit of Happyness," intentionally misspelling the word "Happiness." This deliberate misspelling is a play on words that holds a deeper meaning. It emphasizes the pursuit of happiness as an individual journey, a personal choice, and an active pursuit rather than just a state of being.

2. The Significance of the English Title:

2.1. The Essence of Happiness:

By replacing the "i" with a "y" in the title, the film highlights the importance of personal perspective and mindset in the pursuit of happiness. It suggests that happiness is not merely a result of external circumstances but rather a disposition that can be achieved through one's own efforts and attitude.

2.2. The Journey Towards Happiness:

The title accentuates the journey element of happiness, emphasizing the process of seeking and exploring rather than the end result. It reflects the protagonist's relentless pursuit and determination to find happiness despite facing immense challenges and adversity.

3. Analysis of the Film's Message:

3.1. Overcoming Adversity:

Through depicting Chris Gardner's struggles as a single father facing homelessness and poverty, the film sends a powerful message about resilience and the ability to overcome adversity. It reminds viewers that no matter how challenging life may seem, it is possible to rise above circumstances with determination and perseverance.

3.2. Pursuing Personal Dreams:

"The Pursuit of Happyness" also emphasizes the significance of pursuing one's dreams and passions. Chris Gardner's dream of becoming a successful stockbroker drives him forward, pushing him to overcome hardships and work hard towards his goal. The film encourages viewers to identify and follow their own aspirations, highlighting the importance of personal fulfillment and self-improvement in achieving happiness.

4. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the English name of "The Pursuit of Happyness" effectively encapsulates the film's central themes and messages. By intentionally misspelling the word "Happiness," the title emphasizes the individual's active role in seeking happiness and the journey aspect of the pursuit. Through its powerful storytelling, the film encourages viewers to believe in their dreams, overcome obstacles, and actively pursue happiness in their own lives.














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