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明月踏清风2022-11-05 12:10节日346



Monster Mash



Halloween Theme Song

Devil Went Down To Georgia

Purple People Eater

Addams Groove

I Put A Spell On You

Super Freak

Sounds of Halloween

Highway To Hell

Hells Bells

The Time Warp

Theme From X-Files

Tubular Bells (Opening Theme)

Theme From Jaws

Bat Out Of Hell






1、"This Is Halloween" - Marilyn Manson-Marliyn Manson(玛莉莲·曼森)

Marliyn Manson(玛莉莲·曼森)是一个乐团名。乐队原名Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids,Marilyn Manson是主音的艺名,乐队中每人的名称均以出名杀人犯为姓,和美艳艺人为名。他们取名的原因是喜欢“美丽”与“恐怖”的矛盾和对比。

2、“Somebody’s Watching Me”-Rockwell

《somebody's watching me(有人在看着我)》是ROCKWELL的一首音乐作品,高潮部分由流行音乐之王迈克尔杰克逊献唱。

3、"Monster Mash" - Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers

《Monster Mash(土豆怪兽)》是英国乐队The Bonzo Dog Band创作的一首歌曲,圆滚滚的土豆一想到就和恐怖离得比较遥远,但是也能被他们变成恐怖元素,,这种音乐形式也是他们创造的。

4、"Demons" - Imagine Dragons

《Demons》是美国摇滚乐队Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)演唱的歌曲,由丹·雷诺斯、本·麦基、丹尼尔·韦恩·瑟蒙、亚历克斯·达·基德、乔希·莫瑟填词谱曲,收录在乐队首张录音室专辑《Night Visions》中。歌曲的一些歌词来源于梦龙乐队成员所做过的噩梦 。

5、"Thriller" - Michael Jackson


万圣节英文歌曲 万圣节英文歌曲有哪些

This Is Halloween——Danny Elfman;Into the Forest——Danny Elfman;Moon Dance——Danny Elfman;Full Moon ——Soundtrack;Zombie——The Cranberries MV;The Dominoes Fall ——Dario Marianelli;England Prevails——Dario Marianelli;Lestat's Recitative——Elliot Goldenthal;Evey Reborn——Dario Marianelli;Goodnight Moon—— Shivaree MV。

万圣节又叫诸圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻  。在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints' Day)。





Masquerade, masquerade

Grab your mask and dont be late

Get out get out well disguised

Heat and fever in the air tonight

Meet the others at the store,

Knock on other peoples door

Trick or treat they have the choice,

Little ghosts are makin lotsa noise

But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care

In the streets on halloween

Theres something going on

No way to escape the power unknown

In the streets on halloween

The spirits will arise

Make your choice, its hell or paradise

Ah--its halloween

Ah--its halloween. . .tonight!

Someones sitting in a field,

Never giving yield

Sitting there with gleaming eyes,

Waiting for big pumpkin to arise

Bad luck if you get a stone,

Like the good old charlie brown

You think linus could be right

The kids will say its just a stupid lie

But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care

Listen now--we are calling you. . .

And there is magic in the air

Magic in the air. . .on halloween

Black is the night full of fright

Youll be missing the day

What will be here very soon

Changing your way

A knock at your door

Is it real or is it a dream

On trembling legs you open the door

And you scream. . . .on halloween


Where am I now

Is there anybody out there

What has happened

Am I in heaven

Or is it hell

I can see a light comin

Its comin nearer

Its shining

Its shining so bright

Its shining on me

I am the one, dooms in my hands

Now make your choice,

Redeemed or enslaved

Ill show you passion and glory

He is the snake

Ill give you power and abundance

Hes the corrupter of man

Save me from the evil one

Give me strength to carry on

I will fight for all mankinds

Deliverance and peace of mind

But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care

Yeah, its halloween

Yeah, its halloween. . .tonight

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